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The Real "Fake News": Suckered by a former Florida cop living in Russia.

Leave it to several excellent news journalists to show Americans how they've been taken for suckers and used as pawns every single day in the fight against what is the real "fake news". This as every reputable news network is falling over themselves to report the latest on completely unsubstantiated rumors about the mental health of both Presidential candidates.

Then again, on quick glance, there may be something to all this. But, I digress.

For those who have been paying attention, and sadly it has not been nearly enough of the American news-ingesting population, the rampant rise of AI and mostly overseas-based bad actors, (read: Russians), seeking to pollute the news environment has now overtaken what used to be legitimate news sources. Thanks to those seeking to foster propaganda and lies as "real news", and the gullible masses who fall for it, we have turned into a society and a generation too lazy to give a damn about what is real and doing the simple amount of work it takes to stop being taken for fools.

Now, there's even more evidence that what a good part of the American audience swallows whole and calls "fact" is nothing more than a crook seeking revenge.

Investigations from the misinformation watchdog, "Newsguard", (as reported here by NBC News), and a further inquest by the BBC, has turned up a key player in this ruse, a former US Marine and disgraced former Florida police officer, (yes, another slice of revelation that a good deal of reprehensible slugs in America, for some reason, come forth from a land of alligators on both four claws and four legs), who giggles away spreading lies and propaganda as "a game" of revenge against those who "forced" him to flee America and take up residence in the Soviet Union.

Guess that proves he wasn't much of a beach-goer.

John Mark Dougan is even proud of himself and the chaos he has wrought, intimating there's plenty more where his past babble has come from. Not only does he prove yet again there are those either in or once were part of the US Military and even law enforcement who are not above breaking the law for greed and confusion, but that no matter what any branch of bureau of government proclaims, they, and therefore you, are always a few steps behind the digital bad actors.

Crooks and cretins who succeed in their desire to cause havoc for a few simple reasons that have been far too obvious for at least the past 20 years.

First, America has taken a leading role in allowing itself to be dumbed down. With a daily increase in the amount of people who get their "news" and "facts" every day from the single most unreliable source since the snake allegedly slithered in the Garden of Eden, the Internet, people you might believe have a at least a modicum of common sense willingly allow themselves to be bamboozled by fakers, frauds and felons. Rest assured that in your daily conversations, if you are not already one of "them", then you are being gaggled to by someone citing "news" that instead of rolling off the figurative or literal presses, instead rolled down the figurative leg of someone trolling for internet suckers.

Next in the picture are those who claim their facts are solid because it came out of the gaping maw of exceptionally bad entertainers, twits, tarts and mental tumbleweeds who pass themselves off as "experts" or "analysts" on the various cable and Internet platforms. In reality, the bulk of these charlatans are little more than hacks and haws with no real "insight" other than the rumble and bumble they make up in order to garner clicks and profitable attention. Sometimes they don't even care about the money, they just want to be "famous" and be part of any conversation that leads to another appearance on places such as FOX News, Newsmax, OANN or others who spend more time fending off lawsuits for lies than they do actually digging for, or reporting on, anything actually newsworthy.

Most critical is how we have become a lazy society when it comes to educating ourselves. With the greatest intellectual power right at our flaming little fingertips, we accept what we are handed without so much as an intellectual whimper. Any one of the fake headlines and stories passed along on any one of the websites and platforms in question here can be proven or discounted in 60 seconds or less. All it takes is a level of being inquisitive and in search of being informed. Dial up that search engine with a few well-considered words and phrases, and everything comes into clearer focus.

Most of us don't do it, and wouldn't even consider such action. Takes too much time. Too busy. Here, let me check my Facebook posts, my "likes" on Instagram and how many new followers I have on "TikTok". You think after doing all that there's time to look for FACTS????

John Mark Dougan is a veritable speck in the cosmos of lies, fraud and propaganda. There are now millions more just like him, living behind digital curtains in Russian office buidings, Chniese warehouses, Middle Eruopean farmhouses and right down the street from your home, all couched nicely where you can't find them. Even if you do, they will just change up their tactics and start another fake news platform, because they know there are millions of people who will fall for it.

Just in time for another Presidential election.

Hey, what a coincidence.

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