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The dangerous "New Germany". Turning your car into a deputy for law enforcement. Employer vs. Employee battle over "off the clock".

Updated: Sep 3, 2024

Your car is watching and listening, and you have no idea when: With the advent of artificial intelligence, drones, remote listening devices that were once the tools of covert Government operations and can now be purchased online via Amazon, is there any wonder or surprise at our own vehicles being deputized? In essence, that's exactly what the Ford Motor Company is doing, currently pursuing a patent for proprietary technology that would allow any car or vehicle to be a member of law enforcement. The new tech would have sensors that allow your car to monitor the speed of nearby cars, capture images, and then transmit that data to local and perhaps even State or Federal police agencies. Your car, any car, thus becomes a mobile surveillance unit that shares detailed information the not just police, but also with insurance companies. Of course, Ford wants everyone to know there is absolutely, positively, (wink,wink) no danger whatsoever and this is merely being done to assist police and also, maybe, (again, wink wink) drive down your insurance rates. On a positive note, this could be a true boon to driving down rates of certain crime. On a possible downside, all of this data will be transmitted and stored in the cloud, which is becoming increasingly vulnerable, and where your data and personal information could wind up being compromised, again. Plenty of bugs to be worked out, but your privacy and autonomy behind the wheel isn't far from disappearing.

The quiet rise of a new Nazi era in Germany?: Most, if not all, of the western legitimate media has been ignoring that's happening in German politics these last few years, and likely with good reasons. For one, the current spate of "panel journalism" and following the "yellow police tape" style of rushing to something only because there's video to be had has dulled the journalistic senses of most platforms. Another reason is the incessant and dangerous cost-cutting of real investigative news gathering. Third, and you'll never get anyone inside the various newsrooms to admit it, but most of those charged with covering stories are neither smart enough or interested enough to take the time needed to investigate and cover such a dense and intricate story. In essence, what reporters are left have been relegated to nonsense, rumors, disinformation, "BREAKING NEWS", and left with no desire to dig in. In Germany at the moment, there is a growing surge toward the type of government which once birthed a level of fascism that killed millions and tossed the world into chaos. Think I'm exaggerating? The Far Right is not only seeking power here in America, but a more radical and dangerous faction is spreading across Europe, much of it centered in Germany. Levels of violence are rising, with blame being directed in part towards the influx of immigrants into the country. It's to the point where even German grandmothers are becoming activists to stop what many see as the inevitability of another Far Right leadership in Germany. Despite what some may bellow, America is not and cannot afford to be an isolationist nation in a world where seemingly small conflicts on the other side of the world can, and will, impact America in every facet of our lives.

The movement Down Under to disconnect completely from your job: Certainly in my profession of covering the news, we who toil for the truth are rarely, if ever, off the clock. I'll wager there are plenty of others out there in a number of professions who are always tethered to their jobs even during off hours. In Australia, they're doing something about, now passing a law that allows employed workers to completely and legally disconnect from their job when off the clock. Employers that break the rules can be heavily fined for trying to get people to work when they're on their own free time. In this age of incessant text messaging and never really being able to say things such as, "I didn't hear the phone go off", as we have these devices stapled to our bodies 24/7, people are becoming more protective of their free time, and well they should. Now, the other side of this is a next step, where employers may just terminate those workers who don't respond to their calls. That may take yet another legislative step, and may assist in the rise of workers unions to protect their rights. Either way, it will be interesting to see if this eventually make its way to America, and how the various political sides will seek to take advantage. As for me, I am now off the clock.

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