Elon Musk nailed it.
The preening, narcissistic, boorish but never boring captivator of his own often dubious cliches, put life into perfect perspective.
“I’m guilty of many self-inflicted wounds”.
Musk made the comment in a sworn deposition as part of the lawsuit filed against him by a 22 year old political science major. In his zeal for attention and headlines, Musk used social media to promote a completely false and inflammatory conspiracy theory that identified Ben Brody as a Federal agent posing as a neo-Nazi.
Musk comes from a generation that not only believes, but embraces the old public relations adage that claims, often mistakenly, that “there is no bad publicity”. There are many stories about those who did something incredibly ignorant or mindless to damage their personal or professional brand and never recovered. There are, to be fair, stories of those who suffered what could be incalculable damage, yet somehow, they found their way to claw back and regain some of their dignity. Not all of it, but perhaps enough to still be popular and profitable. The latter being the most important to them.
Guaranteed there are more who bought into the idea and still, to this day, have yet to regain their image. Plenty of media “gurus” tell you they can work miracles and recover any reputation. Perhaps. For a price. However, most people never come close to recovery after their own self-inflicted wounds.
In my experience, the track to those wounds begins sometimes years before the first cut.
When it comes to the overblown and over-dramatized media incursion into our personal and professional lives, give social media it’s own special place in the Hellish pantheon of gaffes that could have been easily avoided.
Musk may have more money than a good portion of the planet, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune from doing what my generation referred to as “Open Mouth, Insert Foot” disease. Way back in the dark ages, dribbling something insulting or moronic may have cost you a few apologies and very little actual recognition. With social media in this era, everything you say, write, text, or otherwise communicate has the potential of slicing open a new wound. Often, those wounds are deep and never, let me repeat, NEVER truly heal.
Musk’s example here is just one of “so many we’ve lost count” for him. With his immense wealth, he most often can escape any real damage from his tongue tripping over his brain. In this case, he likely thought that once again he was “untouchable”, he could perhaps buy his way out of it, (which he still may), and whatever issues arise from it, his money and fame will just cover it up.
He could be correct. But the same cannot and won’t be said about you. Or me. Or most of the breathing planet, for that matter.
That’s where we all need to take stock, and stop looking for excuses. On social media. During our interpersonal relationships with people, personally and professionally. When the police officer stops you for doing 83 in a 55 zone. When the coffee doesn’t turn out just right because you neglected to clean the filter.
You, we, started this chain of events.
When we say or do things that hurt others, we are the bearer of ill will. When we put our mouth in m motion before our brain is in gear. When we find ourselves changing a life, or two, and not for the better because of something we said or did.
Musk has a running tab on failing to take responsibility for his actions. Stock prices dropping at Tesla. The veritable financial and reputation bottom falling out from Twitter. His petty and childish insults of others, whether it be in person or hiding behind the curtain of social media.
It’s not something to admire. On the contrary, it is a lesson to be learned in how to not be as boorish and insulting as he, or anyone else powerful, for that matter.
Think before you speak. Or write. Or gesture. Think twice, then a third time, then one more just for giggles. Stop believing your opinion on social media is without peer and you need to opine on anything and everything just to “get a rise” out of someone or be noticed.
Stop believing there is no such thing as “bad publicity”. There is. Plenty. Make that one mistake, challenge that line of thinking, and your personal brand, image, and even earning potential, will most certainly take a hit.
If you’re taking something, then take responsibility for your words and actions. Screwed up? Admit it. Quickly. Insulted someone for no real reason? Own it. Apologize. Be accountable.
You’ll find yourself suffering from far fewer wounds, and there won’t be so many scars to cover up. Or hide behind.
Like Elon Musk.
Don’t be like Elon Musk.
Be better. Every damn time.